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Biography - Jesus Zapata

I grew up in the Northern Caribbean Colombian coast in which each day greets one with an ocean view and a beautiful blue sky. I have been passionate about Physics and Painting since I was a teenager. I pursued an established career, as a physicist, and worked for many years at the University sharing my passion for Physics. I immigrated to United States, and began the journey of painting, as a second career.

Painting brings a transcendental emotion of looking for the truth in nature. I am attempting to paint the invisible forces of nature. My motifs are: Conservation of nature, social injustice and inner self. Currently, I am exploring the freedom of Abstract Expressionism. For me, painting is an analogic language to express emotions, feelings and to search for ultimate truths of nature.

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Many Blessings


We are singularities in this vast universe making marks in the space that eventually will be erased by time.